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For Time in Teams of Two (30min TC)

Split however the Athletes want

100 KB Swings (24/16)

400m Run (together)

80 KB Goblet Squats (24/16)

150 SU / DU

60 KB Shoulder to Overhead (24/16)

400m Run (together)

40 KB Snatches (24/16)

150 SU / DU

20 KB Thrusters (24/16)

400m Run (together)

8 Ansichten0 Kommentare

Aktualisiert: 4. März 2022

30min AMRAP in Teams of Three

Part I (6min TC)

Athletes rotate after each Round

Athlete A 20 Box Jumps

Athlete B, C DB Snatch (AMRAP until Athlete A has finished)

Athlete A, B, C 10 Sync. Air Squats


- 2.5min Rest

Part II (6min TC)

Athletes rotate after each Round

Athlete A 12/15 CAL Row

Athlete B, C KB Swings (24/16) (AMRAP until Athlete A has finished)

Athlete A, B, C 10 Sync. Situps / T2B


- 2.5min Rest

Part III (6min TC)

Athletes rotate after each Round

Athlete A 20 Wallballs

Athlete B, C Goblet Squats (24/16) (AMRAP until Athlete A has finished)

Athlete A, B, C 10 Sync. Pushups / HSPU


- 2.5min Rest

Part IV (6min TC)

Athletes rotate after each Round

Athlete A 12/15 Cal Assault Bike

Athlete B, C DB Clean & Jerk (22.5/15) (AMRAP until Athlete A has finished)

Athlete A, B, C 10 Sync. Burpees


- 2.5min Rest

Part VI (6min TC)

Athletes rotate after each Round

Athlete A 100 SU/75 DU

Athlete B, C Deadlifts (80/50) (AMRAP until Athlete A has finished)

Athlete A, B, C 250m Run


13 Ansichten0 Kommentare

Aktualisiert: 17. Nov. 2021

For Time in Teams of Two (30min TC)

50 Cal Row

50 Box Jumps

50 DL (45/60)

50 Wallballs (9/6)

50 Pushups

50 Wallballs (9/6)

50 Box Jumps

50 Cal Assault Bike

16 Ansichten0 Kommentare
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