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10 Rounds EMOM "Death by..."

Add 2 Reps every Round until 20 Reps

Even: Dumbell Goblet Squats

Odd: Double Dumbell Hang Cleans

Intervall 5 Rounds 2min on / 1min off

Goal: 44 Reps of Double Dumbell Thrusters

Buy in: 33 Double Under / 60 Single Unders + 10 Burpees

Double Dumbell Thrusters (22.5/15)

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For Time in Teams of Two (15min TC)

15 Cal Row (You)

50 Squat Clean (60/40)

15 Cal Row (I)

50 Shoulder to Overhead (60/40)

15 Cal Row (You)

50 Burpees over Bar

15 Cal Row (I)

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Olympic Weightlifting Class

A) Warm Up / Accessory Work

B) Strength: 3x10 Shoulder Press (AHAP)

C) 8 Rounds E90Sec of:

- 3 Deadlift

- 2 Hang Squat or Power Clean

- 1 Shoulder to Overhead*

-> *Rnd. 1&2: Strict Press

-> *Rnd. 3&4: Push Press

-> *Rnd. 5&6: Push Jerk

-> *Rnd. 7&8: Split Jerk

"Every Round Weight Increasing"

D) AMRAP (5min TC)

- 5 Clean & Jerk (60/40)

- 10 Burpee over Bar

- 15 Air Squats

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